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Item ID: PV004

Serving Description: 22 LB

Food Category: Grains

HACCP Process Category: Complex


Item ID: PV004

Serving Description: 22 LB

Food Category: Grains

HACCP Process Category: Complex


Ingredients list for this recipe is unavailable.



1. Follow the ratio of 1 pound of pasta per gallon of water.
2. Fill a tilt skillet, steam kettle, or large pot with cold water and determine how much pasta can be cooked in that amount of water based on ratio.


1. Bring water to a rolling boil.
2. For each gallon of water, add 1/8 cup salt.
3. Add measured pasta and stir to avoid clumping.
4. Cook pasta to al dente (this means that pasta will still have a “bite” to it - remember it is being reheated). Time will vary based on factors such as altitude.
5. Scoop pasta out of pot with a large strainer and place it in a colander to drain.
6. Add just enough oil to coat the pasta and toss in the colander.
7. Spread pasta out on sheetpans. About 4 pounds will fit on a pan.
8. Repeat with remaining pasta.
9. Rack the sheetpans and cool in the walkin if using at a later time.
10. Store, covered, for use in another recipe.


Serving = 1/2 cup

Food Groups/Meal Patterns

Recipe Analysis:

Servings per meal pattern are based on default serving size and measure:

Fruits: 0 Vegetables Total: 0 Meat/Meat Alternative: 0 Calories: 21459.6
Dark Green: 0 Milk: 0 Sat. Fat: 1.22%
Red Orange: 0 Grains: 1 Sodium: 168104
Legumes: 0
Starchy: 0
Other: 0
Additional: 0

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