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Oven Baked Fries


Item ID: SI200

Serving Description: 1/2 Cup (2.125oz.)

Food Category: Vegetable recipes

HACCP Process Category: SameDay


Item ID: SI200

Serving Description: 1/2 Cup (2.125oz.)

Food Category: Vegetable recipes

HACCP Process Category: SameDay


Ingredients list for this recipe is unavailable.



1. Wash potatoes.
2. Place into food chopper, no more than 9 at a time, stacked.
3. Cover with water immediately after cutting.
4. Preheat oven to 400 degrees F.


1. Blanch potatoes in boiling water in the tilt skillet for about 1-2 minutes. If using the steamer, steam potatoes in perforated pans for a few minutes.
2. Toss potatoes with oil and salt.
3. Spread potatoes onto parchment lined sheetpans - be sure they are not overlapping.
4. Bake at 400 degrees for about 10 minutes or internal internal temperature of 165 degrees F. is reached.
Note: This will only take about 10 minutes, please watch them as they cook fast and stir if they are cooking unevenly.


Serving = 1/2 cup (2.125oz)

Food Groups/Meal Patterns

Recipe Analysis:

Servings per meal pattern are based on default serving size and measure:

Fruits: 0 Vegetables Total: 0.5 Meat/Meat Alternative: 0 Calories: 86.39
Dark Green: 0 Milk: 0 Sat. Fat: 1.44%
Red Orange: 0 Grains: 0 Sodium: 74.77
Legumes: 0
Starchy: 0.5
Other: 0
Additional: 0

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